Ted DeCagna has been selected out of hundreds of entries for two new logo design awards from American Graphic Design & Advertising. This publication – one of the nation’s most prestigious in the field – is the host and sponsor of the annual design competition, which granted two awards to Ted DeCagna in the category of “Best Logo Design”. Recipients are rewarded by having their winning designs published in a beautiful hardcover publication with exquisite quality printing, in addition to receiving an award certificate for framing. The first logotype award Ted DeCagna received in the current competition was for “Love N’ Ade”, a natural new lemonade being produced by a Florida company and which is expected to hit the store shelves in 2015. The winning unique logo design incorporates an exceptional 3 Dimensional lemon heart with typography that evokes a “summer smile” feeling. In this over-saturated, highly competitive market it’s essential to have a label design with a logotype that jumps out at you and gets the consumer’s attention.

Award Winning Logo Design




The second logotype cited for award was for “T-Style, Tribal Tattoo Apparel”. This Brooklyn, New York based company is in the process of creating a sportswear line of shirts, which contain distinctive tribal looking tattoo signs. Ted’s design is special due to the totally customized and dramatic hand lettering with a core influence of an antique German font, incorporated with a striking tribal tattoo design. This company is hoping to capitalize on the extreme popularity of actual skin tattoo’s for the segment of the market that desire tattoo’s without wanting to marry a design to their body and go through the expense and discomfort of an actual tattoo. Both logo’s will be published in the design annual American Graphic Design & Advertising 29, expected to come out in the spring of 2015.

Award Winning Logotype Design


These latest two awards result in a tally of 22 logo design awards for Ted DeCagna.